Some Actions to Demand Police Reforms

Some Actions to Demand Police Reforms

As we mourn George Floyd and grieve the latest losses of black lives in our nation and communities due police brutality and anti-blackness, we can continue to demand actions.

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  • Contact the Mayor McNamara and the Escondido City Council and ask that the Escondido Police Department enacts #8CantWait police reform policies. Note that Escondido Police announced end to carotid restraint on June 3, 2020.

    8 can’t wait is a Campaign Zero project which promotes eight policies which “research shows more restrictive use of force policies can reduce killings by police and save lives”. (Campaign Zero is an organization campaigning for police reforms and that was founded by Black Lives Matter activists.)

    8 can’t wait provides the following phone script:

    Phone Script

    I’m calling Mayor Paul McNamara to urge them to take the pledge to enact the #8CantWait Use of Force policies. I live in [city] in [neighborhood] and I know our city would benefit from these policies.

    The #8CantWait policies are simple, common-sense and would make our community safer. ESCONDIDO is okay with the other 2 policies that are a part of the #8CantWait pledge. Can you commit to banning the following policies?

    1. Ban Chokeholds & Strangleholds
    2. Require De-escalation
    3. Require Exhaust All Alternatives Before Shooting
    4. Duty To Intervene
    5. Ban shooting at moving vehicles
    6. Require Use Of Force Continuum
8 Can't Wait Escondido
8 Can’t Wait Escondido

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