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Category: San Diego County

General Election 2022

General Election 2022

San Diego County of Registrar and other county registrars are still counting votes for the 2022 General Election, and many of the local races remain tight with a 70 to 750 votes difference. The next expected update from the SDC registrar is November 13, 2022, 5:00 p.m., and full results are expected by December 8, 2022. Updated on November 20, 2022: The San Diego County of Registrar has finished tallying votes, are currently working to cure ~11,000 votes and are…

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Redistricting Update

Redistricting Update

For the past year, Escondido communities have advocated for their communities of interests (COI) in the state and county redistricting process to redraw voting districts. Largely, they advocated for being with other North County cities and tribal lands along the interstate 78, 76 and/or 5 corridors. The San Diego County Independent Redistricting Commission (SDC IRC) COI Public Hearing in Escondido on September 2, 2021 encapsulated many of the feedback submitted both to SDC IRC and California Citizens Redistricting Commission. Now…

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Communities of Interest Input: How to Keep Communities from Being Split or Underrepresented During Redistricting

Communities of Interest Input: How to Keep Communities from Being Split or Underrepresented During Redistricting

Last Updated on 09/06/2021 to add replays of previous public hearings & links to additional public hearings. Every 10 years, the Census surveys every household in the United States, counts each member and updates the nation’s population data. Using the new population data, which is set to be released on August 12th for 2020 Census Data, federal, state and local voting districts are redrawn. But often districts are drawn to benefit one party instead of being representative of the population….

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Presidential Primary Election 2020

Presidential Primary Election 2020

Our preliminary write-up of the Midterm Election 2018 is also available on our website. Please let us know of any errors in the data. Summary The voter turnout for this 2020 Presidential Primary in San Diego County almost reached 50% based on 907,602 ballots out of 1,825,237 registered voters. For U.S. House of Representatives’ California District 50, candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar (Democrat, El Cajon) won with 36.5% (74,121) of the votes and will face former Representative Darrell Issa (Republican, Vista), who…

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Updated Notes on San Diego County COVID-19 Cases

Updated Notes on San Diego County COVID-19 Cases

As we face calls to reopen San Diego on May 1st, including from our elected Board of Supervisor Kristin Gaspar and Mayor Paul McNamara, and opposition to California’s Stay-at-Home Order, here are some San Diego County COVID-19 related numbers to keep in mind: In 7 days from April 26 to May 2, 2020 and even with our early & strict state and local public health orders, we had reported: – 884 new positive cases (which account for ~22.5% of total…

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